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Cultural Policies

Philippe Kern, “For a Cultural European Union” (2020)

By January 15, 2020March 10th, 2022No Comments

The article attempts to characterise EU intervention in the cultural field and to take stock of the achievements of cultural policy. Can we really speak of an EU cultural policy? The paper proposes common elements capable of laying the foundations for developing a genuine cultural European Union. It also stresses the need to articulate and coordinate the various cultural interventions taking place in various EU policy areas. The first section examines how the EU’s legal framework lays the foundations for a cultural European Union even without formal EU cultural competence. The second section looks at the new drivers of EU cultural policy that have emerged since 2007. The last section proposes an EU cultural policy that would address the identity crisis of Europe, which feeds cultural fears and European feelings.

Philippe Kern, “For a Cultural European Union” (2020)


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