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Frédéric Martel, “Smart Curation and the role of algorithms in cultural reception” (2015)

By September 2, 2015April 13th, 2022No Comments

If one looks at the cultural public in digitalization, a paradoxical picture emerges: The cultural public explodes and implodes, platforms and algorithms are instances of self-determination and heteronomy, while human behaviour reacts to the codes of nature, culture, society and the machine. All of these codes are involved when culture as the public negotiation of values has to find new forms in digitalization. From DNA to robot control, from the most original to the most advanced accounting, from the narrated to the calculated future — it is always a matter of how history and stories are “written”. This publication surveys the key debates on digitalization — it constitutes fieldwork in the changing fields of the cultural public and includes a collection of images on the writtenness of the world, art and society.

Frédéric Martel, “Smart Curation and the role of algorithms in cultural reception” (2015)

Part 1/3: Le critique cuturel est mort vive la smart curation
Part 2/3: Le critique curation algorithme rêve déçu 
Part 3/3: La smart curation recommandation humaine algorithme


The Zurich Centre for Creative Economies (ZCCE) is an international centre of excellence dedicated to research, teaching, incubation and consultancy in the field of the creative economies.

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