On June 13th, ZCCE’s has released its long-awaited report on the creative and cultural industries, or ICC, in Geneva. The presentation of this report and the press conference that took place, in the presence of Sami Kanaan, “deputy mayor” of Geneva or “Conseiller administratif”, in charge of the Department of Culture and Digital Transition, concluded a year of research by ZHdK in Geneva.
Following an initial study in 2017, the ZCCE’s report entitled “Les empreintes creatives” – or “the creative footprints” – study on the weight of the cultural and creative economy and reveals the importance of the cultural and creative industries in Geneva. These produce effects and generate externalities that can be measured both in terms of economic impact and in terms of quality of life, social links, well-being and health, or innovation. Culture therefore creates value.
The Department of Culture and Digital Transition (DCTN) of the city of Geneva has been working for a year with the Zurich Centre for Creatives Economies (ZCCE) according to the following plan:
- June 2022: Beginning of the research.
- November 2022: Qualitative and quantitative pre-study to serve as a matrix for further research.
- November 30, 2022: Interdepartmental workshop within the City of Geneva and its departements and employees.
- April 25, 2023: Organization of a symposium at Geneva’s Nouvelle Comédie open to the public, with local partners and outside speakers. Nearly 200 people took part. The program for this day of dialogue and reflection covered community involvement, the societal impact of culture, network issues and urban development.
- June 20, 2023: Press conference of M. Sami Kanaan, “deputy mayor” of Geneva (“Conseilleradministratif”) and publication of the final study by MM. Frédéric Martel, Roman Page and Christoph Weckerle of the ZCCE, laying the foundations for an action plan for Geneva’s cultural and creative economy.
The results of all this work will feed into the City of Geneva’s economic and regional planning policies.
- To read the overall study, read PDF.
- To access the symposium program
- Press release
Press clippings
(several articles have been published on the symposium and the report, including :