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Ist der kulturelle Sektor systemrelevant?

Keine Konzerte, keine Theateraufführungen, keine Museumsbesuche: Keine Frage, das kulturelle Leben war 2020 direkt und drastisch vom Coronavirus betroffen. Das Zurich Centre for Creative Economies (ZCCE) der ZHdK beschäftigt sich seit Beginn der Pandemie mit den möglichen Auswirkungen der Krise auf die Arbeitsmärkte im kulturellen Sektor. Frühling 2020: geschlossene Cafés, leere Strassen, keine Menschenaufläufe. Eine ungewohnte Situation. Eine, die vier…
Roman Page
April 30, 2021

Après le Covid, le retour des années folles ?

Le retour à la vie « normale » va bien finir par arriver. La « sortie » du Covid se fera-t-elle dans la fête sans limites ou la frugalité ? Une re-libération sexuelle ou une longue dépression ? Le souci de soi et le souci de la planète ? Un renouveau artistique ? Enquête.   Les « années folles » ont duré…
Frédéric Martel
April 27, 2021
AnalysisEntrepreneurial Strategies

State of the arts Cultural policies : Mapping a field in the process of reinvention

Read the States of the Art Article PDF here Abstract This article attempts to describe the state of “cultural policy” at a time of fundamental reinvention. While the digital transition has transformed culture, cultural policies have adapted only slowly to this new reality. Reviewing the main work and studies published in recent years, the article describes this fundamental shift in…
Frédéric Martel
April 22, 2021

Frédéric Martel, “Cultural Policies: Mapping a field in reinvention” (2020)

The article attempts to describe the state of “cultural policy” in a period of fundamental reinvention and provides an overview of the most important works and studies published in recent years. While digital change has transformed culture, cultural policy has adapted only slowly to this new reality. The author observes an expansion of the term “cultural policy” and describes its…
March 10, 2020

State of the Arts, Paris

Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and La Gaîté Lyrique organized a two-day international symposium in Paris on 6 and 7 February 2020 under the motto “Towards a new cultural policy for the digital age.” The aim was to rethink cultural policy in the digital age. How can we update our cultural policy? How can the involvement of art and…
February 6, 2020
Cultural-PoliciesEntrepreneurial Strategies

International Conference 2019: The Future Relevance of the Creative Economies – Familiar and New Narratives, Berlin

Building on the first joint conference in 2018, which was dedicated to the diversity and complexity of the cultural and creative industries, the follow-up conference discussed ways of using these factors through new narratives, methodological approaches and specific strategies. The event was organized jointly by the Federal Competence Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries (Germany) and ZHdK’s CreativeEconomies Research Venture…
October 30, 2019
AnalysisCreative Economies ReportsCultural-Policies

“The Creative Industries in the Lake Constance Region” (2019)

This report contains analyses, facts, portraits, figures, comparisons and mappings that paint a multifaceted picture of the border region between Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. This is the first time that the regional significance of the creative economies in the Lake Constance region is explored and placed in its European context. The research was made possible by the International University…
February 1, 2019
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