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In “The Future of the Creative Economies” (2021), Deloitte predicts that “most people would welcome a world in which a larger share of the workforce is engaged with creative work.” According to an in-depth UNESCO report “Creative Economies are one of the youngest and fastest growing economic sectors in the world” (Re-Shaping Policies for Creativity – Addressing culture as a global public good, 2022).

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What do you think?  Does your Foundation take part in the public debate?

The Zurich Center for Creative Economies (ZCCE) at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHDK) is conducting a survey about the relevance of Creative Economies for Foundations in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. We would welcome your participation as your comments are crucial for us to better understand the work of Foundations when it comes to Culture, Arts, Creative Economies and Creativity.

We aim to anchor the Creative Economies at the interface between culture, economics, education, politics, environment and society, and would therefore welcome if Foundations active in one of the following fields would take part in the survey:

  • Culture / Arts / Leisure
  • Economic Development / Entrepreneurship
  • Education / Research
  • International Development & Cooperation
  • Environment / Climate Change

The survey takes 15 minutes to answer 20 questions and should be completed by August 26, 2022. We look forward to reading your answers and learning from you. Thank you very much!

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The Zurich Centre for Creative Economies (ZCCE) is an international centre of excellence dedicated to research, teaching, incubation and consultancy in the field of the creative economies.

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