The 2018 International Conference was dedicated to creative impact. Thematically, the event focused on value creation processes in the cultural and creative industries in Europe and beyond. Based on high-calibre international impulses, global perspectives and (funding) approaches in the field of the cultural and creative industries and the creative economies were presented and various points of departure were identified. Three questions…
Christoph Weckerle and Simon Grand granted an insight into their research on the future of the cultural and creative industries on 21 June 2018. Since 2018, they have been the official research partner of the Federal Competence Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries with their research venture CreativeEconomies (predecessor of the ZCCE) at the ZHdK. Janine Schiller, the project manager,…
Which strategies do artists and designers pursue in their search for a “positive economy”? How do they link content and contexts in different business environments? What characterises the creative economies in Switzerland? How are the sub-markets of the creative industries developing in Switzerland? This report examines the dynamics of the Swiss creative economies. Based on analyses, facts and figures, portraits…
4 years, 40 projects, 1’000 participants: Patrick Müller and Nuria Krämer gathered the wealth of activities that took place within the framework of “Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich” in With: A Bookazine on Collaboration between Cultures, Art Forms, and Disciplines. The volume includes an essay by Christoph Weckerle and Simon Grand. Simon Grand, Christoph Weckerle, "Curating as Strategy" (2018)
“From the Creative Industries to the Creative Economies – Creative Economy Report Switzerland 2016”: This report provides new approaches to the creative industries in Switzerland along defined sub-markets. It also focuses on key national and global issues such as value creation, forms of collaboration, creative processes, as well as actors’ practices and processes. 4th Creative Industries Report (2016)
If one looks at the cultural public in digitalization, a paradoxical picture emerges: The cultural public explodes and implodes, platforms and algorithms are instances of self-determination and heteronomy, while human behaviour reacts to the codes of nature, culture, society and the machine. All of these codes are involved when culture as the public negotiation of values has to find new forms in digitalization. From…
When the first Cultural Industries Report for Switzerland was published in 2003, a new and remarkable awareness was created: For Switzerland’s cultural diversity, the state-funded sector was as important as the commercial sector. In order to better understand the role of the city of Zurich within Switzerland’s cultural diversity, three consecutive Creative Industries Reports (2005, 2008, 2010) were published with…