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Criticism & TheoryCultural PoliciesReview Main Article

Mixing Pop and Politics: Political Dimensions of Popular Music in the 21st Century

Edited by Catherine Hoad, Geoff Stahl, and Oli Wilson. Since the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic worldwide in early 2020, global music industries have been severely threatened by regional and international lockdown policies. Live music performances had stopped, music productions came to a halt, funding was cut, media exposure and promotion in the traditional sense became impossible, and music and…
Yvette Lok Yee Wong
November 14, 2022
Cultural PoliciesDigitalisation

Mythology and an atlas to better understand AI

* Kate Crawford, Atlas of AI: Power, Politics and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence, Yale University Press, 2021 * Erik J. Larson, The Myth of Artificial Intelligence: Why Computers Can’t Think the Way We Do, Harvard University Press, 2021 For those merely remotely interested in artificial intelligence (AI), this type of intelligence may seem cryptic or even magical. All…
Théo Corbucci
November 12, 2022
Art Design Careers

Authority and Freedom – A Defense of the Arts

The Astonishing Generosity of the Arts  In this age of metrics and data the imaginative ground without which art cannot exist has quietly come under threat. Our culture in the democratic West has given up the belief that the arts have their own, independent significance. This is the basic motivation revered American art critic Jed Perl lays out for having…
Fabian Oderbolz
October 31, 2022


Inaugural conference at ZHdK by Dr. Frédéric Martel, Professor (creative economies), Zurich, June 2, 2022. Let me begin by thanking Andy Pratt for his introduction. He is one of a group of researchers and academics, along with Roman Page, Claudio Bucher, Simon Grand, Carole Guertler, Peter Haerle, Desmond Hui in Hong Kong, Sebastiano Peter in Lugano, Abbas Saad in Lebanon,…
Frédéric Martel
September 30, 2022

Focus on cultural policy: What the City of Zurich is doing differently

---- English below ---- Deutsch | Schwerpunkt Kulturpolitik: Was die Stadt Zürich anders macht Was sind kulturpolitische Herausforderungen Zürichs? Was haben die Jugendunruhen von 1980 mit der Kulturförderung von heute zu tun? Als Auftakt einer Reihe von Städteprofilen beschreibt Peter Haerle die Kulturpolitik Zürichs als Balanceakt zwischen Erhalten und Erneuern. Der Einführungstext bietet eine umfassende Übersicht zu den historischen Entwicklungen…
Peter Haerle
September 28, 2022
Creative Industries

Red Carpet: Hollywood, China, and the Global Battle for Cultural Supremacy

A review of the new book by Erich Schwartzel, Red Carpet: Hollywood, China, and the Global Battle for Cultural Supremacy (Sept. 2022) Erich Schwartzel, Red Carpet: Hollywood, China, and the Global Battle for Cultural Supremacy (Sept. 2022) Erich Schwartzel worked as a reporter for the American newspaper Wall Street Journal, where he oversaw “Hollywood coverage”. As he worked his beat, he began “seeing China…
Simon Costes
September 25, 2022
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