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Hans-Ulrich Obrist: Creative Destruction and Other Rituals

Contemporary art is much decried. Using Jeff Koons or Damien Hirst as their main villains and only examples, countless essayists and pamphleteers have castigated the direction in which modern art has moved and continue to denounce its futility. The radical right is sickened by the pretensions of woke or eco-leftist artists, while the extreme left ironizes art that is created…
Frédéric Martel
May 27, 2023
AnalysisEntrepreneurial Strategies

State of the arts Cultural policies : Mapping a field in the process of reinvention

Read the States of the Art Article PDF here Abstract This article attempts to describe the state of “cultural policy” at a time of fundamental reinvention. While the digital transition has transformed culture, cultural policies have adapted only slowly to this new reality. Reviewing the main work and studies published in recent years, the article describes this fundamental shift in…
Frédéric Martel
April 22, 2021
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