DataSwitzerland Businesses and Employees in the Creative Industries Switzerland by District The map shows the number, the regional importance and the concentration of businesses and employees in the creative industries in Switzerland 2018 by district.Roman PageAugust 30, 2021
Data Annexe Annexe to ZCCE data including glossary, classifications, methodologies and more.Roman PageAugust 20, 2021
DataEuropeSwitzerland Luxinnovation 2021: Mapping the Creative Industries Employment in Europe, CH and BE–NL–LU The figures show the creative industries employment in Europe, CH and BE–NL–LU.Roman PageApril 15, 2021
DataEuropeSwitzerland confronti 2020: Mapping the Creative Industries Employment in Europe, CH and IT The figures show the creative industries employment in Europe, CH and IT.November 26, 2020