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AnalysisAnalysis Main ArticleCultural-PoliciesMain Homepage Article

Cultural Policies in Ticino

A new research by Sébastien Peter for the Zurich Centre for Creative Economies of the ZurichUniversity of the Arts (ZCCE/ZHdK).This article is part of a series of publications by ZCCE on cultural policies, creative industries and the arts sector in Switzerland: after Geneva, Zurich, Swiss philanthropy etc., this research on cultural policies in Ticino and Italian-speaking Switzerland completes the serie.…
Sébastien Peter
January 18, 2024
Creative IndustriesCriticism & TheoryMain Home PageMain Homepage ArticleReview Main Article

Curating Capitalism

Curating Capitalism: How Art Impacts Business, Management, and Economy  by Pierre Guillet de Monthoux  Sternberg Press (Serie : Experiments in Art and Capitalism)  A review by Luca Danieli  What is the role of the artist in shaping the knowledge of the future? What’s the role of the curator? And how can these figures impact the economy and set the agenda in the…
Luca Danieli
October 23, 2023
Criticism & TheoryCultural PoliciesInsight Main ArticleInsightsMain Home PageMain Homepage Article

Safeguarding Artistic Freedom

Is freedom of artistic expression on the rise or at risk? The answer is simple: There is more to do to oppose the alarming number of threats, oppression, social and economic challenges, or political exclusion of people working in the cultural and creative sector. We look at two reports addressing the topic. We are aware of artists in emergency situations…
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